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The attorney general is also duty bound to investigate and hold and bring legal action against individual health care providers against whom complaints are made for failing to follow standards of care or other licensing laws.—Hayleigh Colombo, The Indianapolis Star, 9 Oct. 2024 The West—which, in his view, was anti-Semitic, indifferent, or both—couldn’t be counted on to help, and so Israel’s leaders were duty bound to prevent a second Holocaust through a combination of smart diplomacy and military prowess.—Aluf Benn, Foreign Affairs, 8 June 2016 The opinion does not establish a rule that other US judges are duty bound to follow, but in combination with the verdict in favor of the SEC, sets a precedent of sorts for a crypto organization having violated US securities laws.—Joel Khalili, WIRED, 5 Apr. 2024 Clarice Starling became a kind of blueprint for Foster’s future characters in movies such as Contact, Panic Room, and Inside Man: intelligent, alone, duty bound, vulnerable but resolute.—Jordan Kisner, The Atlantic, 18 Feb. 2024 Under the law, anyone can bring a complaint and authorities are duty bound to investigate.—Helen Regan, CNN, 13 Feb. 2024 One journalist who felt duty bound to cover the war was Roshdi Sarraj, 31, who founded a media company at age 18 and also worked as a photographer and fixer for international news outlets.—Gaya Gupta, New York Times, 30 Jan. 2024 People in the West who don’t understand all this, or who do understand it and choose to excuse it, are dishonoring the very principles that all progressive people are duty bound to defend.—Michael Tomasky, The New Republic, 13 Oct. 2023 In her vision, Consumer Reports was duty bound to represent the interests of buyers who lacked the money even for the most economical car and who washed their clothes at laundromats rather than in household machines that product testers might evaluate for their spin cycles.—Emily Langer, Washington Post, 10 Aug. 2023